
How AI is Shaping the Future of Online Shopping

Kauri Ääremann
Co-Founder / CEO
May 17, 2023
10 Minutes


Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of machines to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, and decision making. AI is used in ecommerce by leveraging acquired business and customer data to make better business decisions and more accurately forecast the future. Artificial intelligence in ecommerce can help today’s online merchants create an optimal consumer experience both online and offline.

AI and ecommerce are two of the fastest-growing and most influential sectors in the world. According to a report by InsightAce Analytics, the AI-enabled ecommerce market size will reach $16.8 billion by 2030, growing at a rate of 15.7% CAGR. Another report by McKinsey found that 57% of all respondents in emerging economies now claim to have adopted AI, with marketing and sales being one of the areas where AI adoption is highest among companies.

The main benefits of AI and ecommerce for both customers and retailers are:

• Personalization: AI can help ecommerce businesses tailor their products, offers, and content to each customer’s preferences, needs, and behavior, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

• Efficiency: AI can help ecommerce businesses automate tasks, streamline processes, and reduce costs, improving their operations and profitability.

• Innovation: AI can help ecommerce businesses create new products, services, and business models, adapting to changing customer needs and market trends.

How does AI affect E-commerce?

AI affects e-commerce in many ways, but one of the most important ones is how it can help e-commerce businesses collect and analyze customer data. Customer data is the key to understanding customer behavior, preferences, needs, and expectations. By using AI tools and techniques, such as natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL), e-commerce businesses can process large amounts of data from various sources, such as web analytics, social media, customer reviews, surveys, etc., and extract valuable insights from them.

Some of the benefits of using AI to collect and analyze customer data are:

• Product recommendations: AI can use customer data to recommend products that are relevant, personalized, and timely to each customer, based on their past purchases, browsing history, search queries, and other factors. This can increase customer satisfaction, engagement, and retention, as well as boost sales and revenue. For example, Amazon uses AI to power its recommendation engine that suggests products to customers on its website and app.

• Personalized offers: AI can use customer data to create personalized offers and discounts that are tailored to each customer’s preferences, needs, and budget. This can increase customer loyalty, conversion rates, and average order value. For example, Easyship uses AI to provide personalized shipping options and rates to customers based on their location, delivery time, and product type.

• Dynamic pricing: AI can use customer data to optimize pricing strategies and adjust prices in real-time based on demand, supply, competition, seasonality, and other factors. This can increase profit margins, sales volume, and customer satisfaction. For example, Uber uses AI to implement surge pricing that changes the fares based on the demand and supply of drivers and riders.

AI not only helps e-commerce businesses collect and analyze customer data but also enables them to use it effectively across various platforms and channels. Some of the tools and platforms that enable AI in e-commerce are:

ChatGPT: ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot platform that helps e-commerce businesses create conversational agents that can interact with customers via text or voice. ChatGPT uses natural language understanding (NLU) and natural language generation (NLG) to understand customer queries and generate natural and engaging responses. ChatGPT can help e-commerce businesses provide 24/7 customer service, answer FAQs, provide product information, collect feedback, generate leads, and more.

Shopify: Shopify is an e-commerce platform that helps e-commerce businesses create online stores, manage inventory, process payments, ship orders, and more. Shopify uses AI to help e-commerce businesses with various aspects of their operations, such as product discovery, fraud detection, marketing automation, image optimization, etc. For example, Shopify uses AI to create product tags that help customers find products faster and easier.

Easyship: Easyship is a shipping platform that helps e-commerce businesses ship their products worldwide. Easyship uses AI to provide e-commerce businesses with the best shipping solutions based on their product type, destination country, delivery time frame, etc. Easyship also uses AI to calculate taxes and duties for each shipment automatically.

How AI can Boost E-commerce Sales?

AI can help e-commerce businesses increase their sales by increasing their conversion rates and customer loyalty. Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action on a website, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, etc. Customer loyalty is the degree to which customers are satisfied with a brand and are willing to repeat purchases and recommend it to others.

Some of the benefits of using AI to increase conversion rates and customer loyalty are:

• Enhanced customer experience: AI can help e-commerce businesses enhance the customer experience by providing faster, easier, and more convenient ways to interact with the brand and its products. For example, AI can enable chatbots and virtual assistants that can answer customer queries, provide product information, and assist with transactions via text or voice. AI can also enable voice and vision-based search that can allow customers to find products using natural language or images.

• Personalized marketing: AI can help e-commerce businesses personalize their marketing campaigns by targeting the right customers with the right messages at the right time and through the right channel. For example, AI can use customer data to segment customers based on their demographics, behavior, preferences, etc., and create personalized offers, discounts, and content for each segment. AI can also use customer data to predict customer behavior and preferences and send timely reminders, suggestions, and incentives to encourage purchases.

• Optimized pricing: AI can help e-commerce businesses optimize their pricing strategies by adjusting prices in real-time based on various factors, such as demand, supply, competition, seasonality, etc. For example, AI can use dynamic pricing to offer different prices to different customers based on their willingness to pay, location, loyalty level, etc. AI can also use surge pricing to increase prices when demand is high and decrease prices when demand is low.

AI not only helps e-commerce businesses increase their sales but also enables them to measure and improve their performance. Some of the best practices and tips for using AI to boost e-commerce sales are:

E-commerce optimization: E-commerce optimization is the process of improving the design, functionality, and performance of an e-commerce website to increase conversion rates and sales. E-commerce optimization involves testing various elements of the website, such as layout, navigation, content, images, etc., and using data-driven insights to make improvements. E-commerce optimization can be done using AI tools that can automate testing, analysis, and optimization processes.

Conversion rate optimization: Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of increasing the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action on a website. CRO involves identifying and removing barriers that prevent visitors from converting, such as poor design, slow loading speed, unclear call-to-action, etc., and creating incentives that motivate visitors to convert, such as social proof, urgency, scarcity, etc. CRO can be done using AI tools that can analyze visitor behavior and feedback and provide recommendations for improvement.

E-commerce CRO: E-commerce cro is a specific type of CRO that focuses on increasing e-commerce sales. E-commerce cro involves optimizing various aspects of the e-commerce website that influence sales, such as product pages, checkout pages, cart abandonment emails, etc. E-commerce cro can be done using AI tools that can provide personalized product recommendations, optimize checkout processes, reduce cart abandonment rates, etc.

How AI is Influencing Customers?

AI is influencing customers by helping e-commerce businesses understand and influence customer behavior and preferences. Customer behavior and preferences are the factors that determine how customers make decisions, such as what to buy, when to buy, how to buy, etc. By using AI tools and techniques, e-commerce businesses can collect and analyze customer data and use it to predict and influence customer behavior and preferences.

Some of the benefits of using AI to understand and influence customer behavior and preferences are:

• Personalized and engaging content: AI can help e-commerce businesses create personalized and engaging content that appeals to each customer’s interests, needs, and emotions. For example, AI can use natural language generation (NLG) to create product descriptions, headlines, slogans, etc., that are relevant, catchy, and persuasive. AI can also use natural language understanding (NLU) to analyze customer feedback and reviews and generate responses that address customer concerns and sentiments.

• Social media marketing: AI can help e-commerce businesses leverage social media platforms to reach and engage customers. For example, AI can use computer vision to analyze images and videos posted by customers and identify products, brands, logos, etc., that can be used for targeted advertising. AI can also use natural language processing (NLP) to analyze social media posts and comments and identify customer opinions, sentiments, trends, etc., that can be used for sentiment analysis, reputation management, influencer marketing, etc.

• Gamification: AI can help e-commerce businesses gamify their websites and apps to increase customer engagement and loyalty. For example, AI can create interactive games, quizzes, challenges, rewards, etc., that motivate customers to explore products, learn more about the brand, share feedback, refer friends, etc. Gamification can also create a sense of fun, excitement, and competition among customers that can increase their satisfaction and retention.

AI not only helps e-commerce businesses understand and influence customer behavior and preferences but also raises some ethical and social implications that they need to consider. Some of the ethical and social implications of using AI to influence customers are:

• Privacy: AI can help e-commerce businesses collect and analyze large amounts of customer data that can be used to personalize and optimize their offerings. However, this also poses a risk to customer privacy as customers may not be aware of how their data is collected, used, shared, or stored. Therefore, e-commerce businesses need to respect customer privacy by obtaining consent, providing transparency, ensuring security, and complying with regulations.

• Trust: AI can help e-commerce businesses build trust with customers by providing accurate information, reliable service, consistent quality, etc. However, this also poses a risk to customer trust as customers may not be able to verify or understand how AI makes decisions or recommendations. Therefore, e-commerce businesses need to ensure trust by providing explainability, accountability, fairness, and human oversight.

• Responsibility: AI can help e-commerce businesses influence customer behavior and preferences by creating persuasive content, offers, incentives, etc. However, this also poses a risk to customer responsibility as customers may be manipulated or coerced into making decisions that are not in their best interest or aligned with their values. Therefore, e-commerce businesses need to ensure responsibility by providing choice, control, respect, and ethics.


The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in e-commerce has transformed the way businesses operate and engage with customers. The benefits of AI in e-commerce are significant, ranging from personalized experiences to increased efficiency and innovation. The ability of AI to collect and analyze customer data enables businesses to make informed decisions, resulting in better product recommendations, personalized offers, and dynamic pricing strategies.
AI has a profound impact on e-commerce sales by enhancing the customer experience, enabling personalized marketing campaigns, and optimizing pricing strategies. By leveraging AI tools and platforms such as ChatGPT, Shopify, and Easyship, e-commerce businesses can effectively engage with customers, streamline operations, and provide tailored solutions.

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