What is CRO in Marketing?

Kauri Ääremann
Co-Founder / CEO
August 28, 2023


CRO is the secret sauce that transforms mere visitors into valuable customers or leads, making it an indispensable tool in the modern marketer's toolkit. In this article, we'll delve into the world of CRO marketing, explore its meaning, process, and most importantly, uncover effective strategies and tactics to boost your online conversions.

CRO and SEO: A Dynamic Duo

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of CRO marketing strategies, let's clarify the concept. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the systematic approach of fine-tuning your website to increase the percentage of visitors who take desired actions. These actions could range from making a purchase to subscribing to a newsletter. A high traffic volume means little if your visitors aren't converting, and that's where CRO steps in. But how does it relate to other marketing strategies, particularly Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

SEO and CRO might appear distinct, but they're two sides of the same coin. SEO drives traffic to your website by enhancing its visibility in search engine results. On the other hand, CRO ensures that once visitors arrive, they're enticed to take action. The harmony between SEO and CRO is essential for online success. SEO opens the door, and CRO guides visitors through it, turning them into valued customers.

CRO and SEO work together in several ways:

  • CRO helps you make the most of your SEO traffic by converting more visitors into customers
  • SEO helps you attract more relevant and qualified visitors who are more likely to convert
  • CRO helps you improve your user experience and satisfaction, which can boost your SEO rankings
  • SEO helps you optimize your website structure and content, which can improve your CRO results

What Is CRO Marketing?

At its core, CRO Marketing involves optimizing your website to maximize conversions. The objective is clear: make the most of the traffic you've worked hard to attract. Picture this scenario: your website's traffic is increasing steadily, but the conversion rate remains stagnant. This is where CRO steps in to bridge the gap.

CRO marketing is about making your website a compelling and persuasive platform. It's not just about design tweaks; it's about understanding user behavior, empathizing with their needs, and strategically nudging them towards taking action. This could be anything from purchasing a product to subscribing to a service or downloading a resource. The result? More bang for your marketing buck.

Developing a CRO Marketing Strategy

Now that we've grasped the essence of CRO marketing, let's break down the steps to develop an effective CRO strategy.

1. Set Clear Objectives: Define what you want to achieve through CRO. Is it boosting sales, increasing sign-ups, or improving engagement?

2. Understand Your Audience: Dig into your audience's behavior and preferences. What makes them tick? What holds them back?

3. User Journey Mapping: Plot out the path visitors take on your website. Identify potential barriers and bottlenecks.

4. Data Collection: Gather data about user interactions, pain points, and conversion funnels. Use tools like Google Analytics to get insights.

5. Hypothesis Generation: Based on data insights, form hypotheses about what changes could lead to better conversions.

6. Testing: Implement A/B tests or split tests to compare different versions of elements like headlines, buttons, or images.

7. Analyzing Results: Evaluate test results to identify which variations are driving higher conversions.

8. Iterative Process: Continuously refine your strategy based on test results and user feedback.

Incorporating these steps into your CRO strategy will put you on the path to optimizing your conversion rates effectively.

9 Effective CRO Tactics for Better Conversions

Let's delve into the heart of the matter: the tactics that can skyrocket your conversion rates. Here are nine potent CRO tactics to consider:

1. Homepage

2. Pricing Page

3. Onboarding Flow

4. Blog/Content Pages

5. Lead Generation/Contact Page

6. FAQ/Help Center

7. Features/Product Page

8. Testimonials/Case Studies Page

9. Free Trial/Sign-Up Page

1. Homepage

  • Engaging Visuals: Use images or videos that showcase your offering.
  • Succinct Value Proposition: Clearly state your product's benefits.
  • Focused CTAs: Include a prominent CTA for quick action.
  • Trust Elements: Display logos of notable clients or partners.

2. Pricing Page

  • Clear Tiers: Present pricing tiers with distinct features and benefits.
  • Flexible Plans: Cater to diverse needs with customizable plans.
  • Recommended Option: Highlight a recommended tier to guide decisions.
  • Value Comparison: Use comparison charts to showcase value.
  • Money-Back Guarantee: Reduce hesitation with risk-free trials.

3. Onboarding Flow

  • Progress Indicators: Show users their progress during onboarding.
  • Guided Steps: Provide step-by-step guidance on key features.
  • Personalization: Tailor onboarding to user needs.
  • Interactive Elements: Engage users with interactive tutorials.
  • Completion Rewards: Celebrate milestones and offer incentives.

4. Blog/Content Pages

  • Relevant CTAs: Include CTAs linking to related features.
  • Social Sharing: Add buttons for wider content reach.
  • Engaging Titles: Capture attention with compelling titles.
  • Content Upgrades: Offer resources in exchange for sign-ups.
  • Interlinking: Guide readers to related posts for exploration.

5. Lead Generation/Contact Page

  • Compelling Offer: Highlight the value of submitting contact info.
  • Privacy Assurance: Assure users of data security.
  • Follow-Up Plan: Explain the benefits of staying connected.
  • Minimal Fields: Keep the form short for reduced friction.
  • CTA Placement: Use clear CTAs at the top and bottom.

6. FAQ/Help Center

  • Categorization: Organize FAQs for easy navigation.
  • Link to Support: Provide access to personalized assistance.
  • Search Functionality: Implement a search bar for quick answers.
  • Clear Answers: Provide concise solutions to common queries.

7. Features/Product Page

  • Visuals: Use images or videos to showcase features.
  • Use Cases: Illustrate how features solve users' problems.
  • Interactive Elements: Engage users with tooltips or demos.
  • Clear Headlines: Highlight features with concise headlines.
  • Benefits Over Features: Emphasize how features add value.

8. Testimonials/Case Studies Page

  • Diverse Testimonials: Showcase testimonials from various industries.
  • Before-and-After: Use scenarios to depict transformation.
  • Real User Photos: Add authenticity with user photos.

9. Free Trial/Sign-Up Page

  • Clear Value Proposition: State the benefits of the trial.
  • Simple Form: Keep the sign-up form concise.
  • Visible CTAs: Use prominent CTAs with action-oriented text.
  • Trust Signals: Display security badges and certifications.
  • Time-Limited Offers: Use urgency to encourage sign-ups.
  • Social Proof: Highlight user count and reviews.


Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) marketing is the bridge between attracting visitors and turning them into valuable customers. By understanding CRO's meaning, process, and implementing effective tactics, you can unlock higher conversion rates and maximize the value of your online efforts. Keep in mind that CRO is an ongoing journey, fueled by data, insights, and continuous improvement. So, embark on this journey with a strategic mindset and watch your conversion rates soar.

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