
E-commerce Checkout Flow Best Practices: How to Optimize Your Online Store for More Sales

Kauri Ääremann
Co-Founder / CEO
May 12, 2023
10 Minutes


Did you know that the average e-commerce conversion rate is only 2.5%? That means that out of every 100 visitors to your online store, only 2-3 will end up buying something. And that’s not even counting the ones who abandon their carts before completing their purchase. According to a study by Baymard Institute, the average cart abandonment rate across industries is 69.9%. That means that more than two-thirds of potential customers leave your site without buying anything.

Why do so many customers leave without buying? And what can you do to prevent them from leaving and persuade them to buy? The answer lies in your e-commerce checkout flow.

E-commerce checkout flow is the process that customers go through when they buy something from your online store. It typically involves several steps, such as adding items to the cart, entering shipping and billing information, choosing a payment method, reviewing the order, and confirming the purchase.

Your e-commerce checkout flow is one of the most critical stages of your online shopping experience. It’s where customers decide whether to complete their purchase or abandon their cart. It’s also where you can influence their behavior and satisfaction by providing them with a smooth, fast, and secure checkout process.

A well-optimized e-commerce checkout flow can help you:

• Reduce cart abandonment and increase conversions

• Boost customer loyalty and retention

• Increase average order value and revenue

• Enhance customer satisfaction and trust

• Improve your brand reputation and credibility

In this article, we’ll show you how to optimize your e-commerce checkout flow to achieve these benefits. We’ll answer some of the most common questions about e-commerce checkout optimization and share some best practices that you can implement on your own site.

Optimizing your e-commerce checkout

Optimizing e-commerce checkout means making it as easy, fast, and secure as possible for customers to complete their purchase. It involves removing any friction or obstacles that might prevent them from proceeding to the next step, such as confusing navigation, slow loading speed, hidden fees, or lack of trust.

There are many factors that can affect your e-commerce checkout performance, such as your site design, layout, content, functionality, and features. To optimize your e-commerce checkout, you need to test and measure different aspects of your checkout process and see what works best for your audience and your business goals.

Some of the tools and methods that you can use to optimize your e-commerce checkout include:

•Analytics: You can use tools like Google Analytics or Microsoft Clarity to track and analyze your checkout metrics, such as conversion rate, bounce rate, average order value, cart abandonment rate, etc. You can also use these tools to set up goals and funnels to measure how customers move through your checkout process and where they drop off.

• Heatmaps: You can use tools like Hotjar or Crazy Egg to visualize how customers interact with your checkout pages, such as where they click, scroll, hover, or leave. You can use this data to identify any problem areas or opportunities for improvement on your checkout pages.

• A/B testing: You can use tools like Optimizely or VWO to create and compare different versions of your checkout pages and see which one performs better. You can test various elements of your checkout pages, such as headlines, copy, images, colors, buttons, forms, etc.

• User feedback: You can use tools like SurveyMonkey or Qualaroo to collect feedback from your customers about their checkout experience. You can ask them questions like what they liked or disliked about your checkout process, what made them abandon their cart or complete their purchase, what suggestions they have for improvement, etc.

Some of the best practices that you can follow to optimize your e-commerce checkout include:

• Reducing steps: You can reduce the number of steps or pages in your checkout process by combining or eliminating unnecessary steps. For example, you can use a single-page checkout instead of a multi-page checkout, or you can skip the cart page and take customers directly to the checkout page. This can help you reduce the loading time and the cognitive load for your customers and make them more likely to complete their purchase.

• Simplifying forms: You can simplify the forms that customers have to fill out during your checkout process by asking for only the essential information and using clear and concise labels, placeholders, and instructions. You can also use features like autofill, autocomplete, validation, and error messages to make it easier and faster for customers to enter their information correctly. This can help you reduce the friction and frustration that customers may feel when filling out long and complex forms.

E-commerce form for inserting shipping information
Example of a simplifyed form

• Adding trust signals: You can add trust signals to your checkout pages to reassure customers that their personal and financial information is safe and secure with you. Trust signals can include things like security badges, SSL certificates, encryption icons, customer reviews, testimonials, ratings, guarantees, etc. This can help you increase the trust and confidence of your customers and reduce their anxiety or hesitation about buying from you.

Page view where users can insert their credit card details. Shows trust signals, such as security badges

The structure of a checkout flow in e-commerce

Checkout flow is the term used to describe the sequence of steps that customers have to follow to complete their purchase on your e-commerce site. Depending on your site design and functionality, your checkout flow may consist of different components, such as:

• Cart page: This is where customers can review the items they have added to their cart, adjust the quantity, apply a coupon code, or remove items. This is also where customers can see the subtotal, taxes, shipping costs, and total amount of their order.

View of a e-commerce cart page, where customers can review the items they have added to their cart, adjust the quantity, apply a coupon code, or remove items

• Shipping page: This is where customers can enter their shipping address, choose a shipping method, and see the estimated delivery time and cost. This is also where customers can enter their billing address if it’s different from their shipping address.

View of a e-commerce shipping page layout, where customers can enter their shipping address, choose a shipping method, and see the estimated delivery time and cost

• Payment page: This is where customers can choose a payment method, enter their payment details, and see the order summary. This is also where customers can review and agree to your terms and conditions and privacy policy.

View of a e-commerce payment page layout, where customers can choose a payment method, enter their payment details, and see the order summary

• Confirmation page: This is where customers can see the confirmation message and the order number after they have completed their purchase. This is also where customers can see the order details, track their order status, print their invoice, or contact your customer service.

View of a e-commerce confirmation page, is where customers can see the confirmation message and the order number after they have completed their purchase

Your checkout flow is one of the most important aspects of your e-commerce site because it directly affects your customer behavior and satisfaction.

A good checkout flow can:

• Increase your conversion rate by making it easy and convenient for customers to buy from you

• Decrease your cart abandonment rate by reducing the friction and obstacles that customers may encounter during the checkout process

• Improve your customer loyalty and retention by providing a positive and memorable checkout experience

• Enhance your customer satisfaction and trust by delivering a smooth and secure checkout process

To design and improve your checkout flow, you should follow some best practices, such as:

• Using clear and consistent labels, buttons, and icons throughout your checkout pages to guide customers and avoid confusion

• Providing progress indicators or breadcrumbs to show customers how many steps they have completed and how many are left in the checkout process

• Offering multiple payment options to cater to different customer preferences and needs

• Providing clear and transparent information about your shipping costs, delivery time, return policy, etc.

• Using responsive design to make sure that your checkout pages are compatible with different devices and screen sizes.

the best practice for guest checkout

Guest checkout is a feature that allows customers to buy from your e-commerce site without creating an account or logging in. It’s a convenient and fast way for customers to complete their purchase without having to remember their username and password or fill out a registration form.

Guest checkout is beneficial for e-commerce sites because it can:

• Increase your conversion rate by reducing the friction and hassle for customers who don’t want to create an account or log in

• Decrease your cart abandonment rate by eliminating the barrier of account creation or login that may deter customers from buying

• Attract more customers who value their privacy and security and don’t want to share their personal information with you

• Capture more customers who are impulse buyers or first-time visitors and don’t have a strong relationship with your brand

However, guest checkout also has some drawbacks, such as:

• Losing the opportunity to collect customer data and preferences that you can use for personalization, marketing, and loyalty programs

• Missing the chance to build a long-term relationship with your customers and encourage them to return to your site

• Increasing the risk of fraud and chargebacks by not verifying the identity and authenticity of your customers

To balance the pros and cons of guest checkout, you should follow some best practices, such as:

• Making guest checkout optional and not mandatory for your customers

• Highlighting the advantages of creating an account or logging in, such as faster checkout, order tracking, rewards, etc.

• Asking for minimal information from your guest customers, such as email address, phone number, etc.

• Offering an option for guest customers to create an account or log in after they have completed their purchase

View of a e-commerce guest checkout layout. On the left users can sign in with the existing account. On the right they can join and on the bottom of the layout, users have the option to order as a guest

best tips for e-commerce checkout optimization

As a certified e-commerce optimization experts, we have helped many online store owners improve their checkout performance and increase their sales. One of the best e-commerce checkout optimization tips that we can share with you is to use upsells or cross-sells during your checkout process.

Upsells are offers that encourage customers to buy a more expensive or upgraded version of the product they are buying. For example, if a customer is buying a laptop, you can offer them a laptop with more memory, storage, or features for a higher price.

Cross-sells are offers that encourage customers to buy additional or complementary products that go well with the product they are buying. For example, if a customer is buying a laptop, you can offer them a laptop bag, a mouse, or a keyboard as add-ons.

Using upsells or cross-sells during your checkout process can help you:

• Increase your average order value and revenue by selling more products or higher-priced products to your customers

• Boost your customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing them with more value and convenience

• Enhance your product discovery and recommendation by showing your customers relevant and personalized offers

To use upsells or cross-sells effectively during your checkout process, you should:

• Choose products that are related and compatible with the product that the customer is buying

• Display the products in a clear and attractive way with images, prices, and benefits

• Use scarcity or urgency tactics to create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) and motivate customers to act quickly

• Test different products, prices, and placements to see what works best for your audience and your business goals

improving your checkout process

By now, you should have a good understanding of what e-commerce checkout flow is and why it’s important for online sales. You should also have learned some of the tools and methods that you can use to optimize your e-commerce checkout, as well as some of the best practices that you can follow to improve your checkout performance.

To help you improve your checkout process, we have prepared a checklist that you can use to audit and optimize your checkout pages.

Here are the steps that you should take to improve your checkout process:

• Analyze your current checkout metrics and identify any problem areas or opportunities for improvement

• Use analytics, heatmaps, A/B testing, and user feedback tools to test and measure different aspects of your checkout pages

• Reduce the number of steps or pages in your checkout process by combining or eliminating unnecessary steps

• Simplify the forms that customers have to fill out during your checkout process by asking for only the essential information and using clear and concise labels, placeholders, and instructions

• Add trust signals to your checkout pages to reassure customers that their personal and financial information is safe and secure with you

• Use clear and consistent labels, buttons, and icons throughout your checkout pages to guide customers and avoid confusion

• Provide progress indicators or breadcrumbs to show customers how many steps they have completed and how many are left in the checkout process

• Offer multiple payment options to cater to different customer preferences and needs

• Provide clear and transparent information about your shipping costs, delivery time, return policy, etc.

• Use responsive design to make sure that your checkout pages are compatible with different devices and screen sizes

• Use upsells or cross-sells during your checkout process to increase your average order value and revenue

If you follow these steps, you should be able to improve your checkout process and see positive results in your e-commerce performance. However, if you need more help or guidance on how to optimize your e-commerce checkout flow, you can always contact us for a free consultation. We are an e-commerce optimization agency that specializes in helping online store owners increase their sales and conversions. We can help you design and implement a customized e-commerce checkout optimization strategy that suits your needs and goals.


In this article, we have shown you how to optimize your e-commerce checkout flow to reduce cart abandonment and increase conversions. We have answered some of the most common questions about e-commerce checkout optimization and shared some best practices that you can implement on your own site.
We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback about this article or e-commerce checkout optimization in general, please feel free to leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you.
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